Friday, August 11, 2006

Convenient Terror

Oh big surprise here. Turns out Bush & Co. knew that the latest terror plot was going to uncovered LAST WEEK. So what did they do? They held onto the info until it could be used for political gain. What gain? They waitied until after Tuesday's primaries to say, "See...we told you. If you throw guys like Joe Lieberman out of office we'll all blow up and the extremists will win." Since the Dems haven't exactly been great at countering this kind of news--I don't hear anyone other than the liberal talk show hosts screaming about it-- then its up to us. Spread the timeline around...

Wednesday: Days after the White House learns that the London terror plot will be uncovered, Cheney says Lamont victory will encourage "al Qaeda types."

7:42 a.m., Today: The White House announces that the threat level has been raised to ‘Red.’

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Freedom of Package Store Window Dressing

Last time I looked freedom of speech included the right to voice your disapproval over issues you might not agree with. It’s something that a few hundred million blogs have in common. While I might think that Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin are facist media whores who would sell their ovaries for a spot on Hannity and Colmes I don’t ask them to apologize for their views. I disagree with them. I think they are wrong. But I don’t demand that their books not be printed or their snarly-lipped faces not been seen on bad news channels that I don’t watch anyway.

So when a guy like Greg Smith walks into a store owner’s business and says, “I don’t like the poster you having hanging in your window, take it down or I’ll picket” it pisses me off. See, Greg doesn’t have to agree with the storeowners taste in window décor. He can choose not to visit the establishment. But he does not have the right to demand an apology as if the guy did something wrong. It’s a difference of opinion. It’s protected—at least until further notice—by the Constitution.

It is Greg's right to picket. And it is Tom's right to display political cartoons. That's what makes it American. No apologies from no one.

PS: Full disclosure: I work with Greg Smith and once did a play with his wife. Nice enough people. Opposite side of the political spectrum. Do I ask them to apologize for it? No.

10 Reasons Not to Vote for Joe -- AGAIN!

  1. He supported federal intervention in the Terry Schaivo case
  2. He refused to back the Congressional investigation into leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame's name.
  3. He okayed “Brownie” as head of FEMA.
  4. He voted against the Democratic led amendment authorizing a timetable for an Iraq withdrawal.
  5. He has been hailed by RNC chairman Ken Mehlman as “a different kind of Democrat”. Yes, a Republican one.
  6. Three words: Alito, Roberts, Gonzalez
  7. Facist hatemonger Ann Coulter endorses him. Run away…..
  8. He voted to remove federal money from public schools that counsel suicidal homosexual teens that it's OK to be gay.
  9. He supported the outsourcing of American port security to a foreign company.
  10. He rabidly support Bush's “leadership” in dismantling the constitutional barrier between church and state.

Oh yeah, and he's a crybaby sore loser who can't take it like a man!


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Making it Count

Yep. Did my civic duty and pressed that levor with all the fervor I could muster. Voted for a guy who's initial is "L" and doesn't rhyme with "Eberman". Gotta say I'm a tad nervous about things today. The whole world is watching and viewing this vote as a referendum. The ever-eloquent Ted Velvet put it quite nicely, even with all the dirty words that will send him to hell:
I want to believe that the people in my state are too smart for this, that we'll be the first people in the nation to say enough is enough. I want to believe that the ideas of freedom and voting your conscience and true democracy still have a place in our society. Basically, I'm hoping that there are more smart, brave people who value freedom over safety than complete pussy assed cowards who would rather sit with their fucking cats in a police state than live a real life with risks and fears and uncertanties. I want my State to tell these fucking Republican neo-con/nazi fucks in Washington that we're not afraid, that they don't control us and that they're plan to rule through fear has failed.
Read the rest and keep your fingers crossed!

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Hey we're insurgents!!!! I'm so proud. Newt Gingrich puts CT voters right up there with the Taliban and the Iraqi's. I proudly accept the title on behalf of everyone else in this state who refused to become one of the pod people and dared to question the status quo. Clearly this is a sign of a party running scared...and running out of people to blame to for their own fuck-ups so, screw it...let's just blame the whole damn state!!! Spread this around and anyone sitting on the Lamont/Lieberman fence will fall off onto Ned's side real fast!!

If Lamont wins next Tuesday, it will be the beginning of extraordinarily important period in American politics, and in American history. For all of us to have this debate. How dangerous are the terrorists? How dangerous are the dictatorships? And what does America have to do in that kind of a dangerous world?
