Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Crock 'o Shit 'o the Day

"It's important not to go back down that road..." That's what Condi said yesterday in defence of Bush & Co.'s refusal to have one-on-one talks with the North Koreans following this weekend's big kaboom.

That's Condi' blaming the Clinton Administration for Bush & Co's failure to keep its own promises about keeping the so-called Axis of Evil nuke free. Iran, Iraq and North Korea. Hmmm... Not doing so good is he on that one?


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Sunday, October 08, 2006

I'm Back

Stupid busy folks. Sick on top of it. One day trip to Florida for bizniz (yeesh)
Deadlines up the yingyang. Weddings. Showers. You name it.

Sorry. No more whining. Back to business as usual.