Friday, June 09, 2006

And I Miss Him...The Old Man

I'm raising and early Father's Day salute to my father, John.

The Furey Brothers, a kickass bunch of Tinkers if every I heard them, ripped my heart out and threw it on the ground one night in Kinsale Ireland many years ago. The song "The Old Man" was being sung and the lyrics just about did me in (that and about 700 gallons of Harp.) It was my first trip to Ireland, a place my Dad always wanted to go but never had the chance to visit. His parents arrived somewhere before the turn of the century. He was the youngest of five and his dad, my grandfather Charles, died of a ruptured appendix around 1932 when Dad was nine. My grandmother Mary died the year after I was born. Family legend has it that the day my Dad was getting married to my Mom (a confirmed old bachelor of 38), my grandmother threw herself in front of the door crying, "Johnny, don't leave me." She was, by all indications, a little nuts. Anyway, Dad made up for lost time. Within seven years of his marriage he had moved out of Manhattan, bought a house on the Isle of Long, had six kids (six!!), learned to drive a car, push a lawnmower, plant rose bushes, and host some pretty swingin' bbq's for all the relatives from Queens and the Bronx. That's him with me (the pudgy one on the left) with my older sister (by 15 months) and one of my younger sisters (by 11 months). It was Easter. I remember those little pocketbooks! They contained a handkerchief and a couple of pennies.

I always thought my Dad looked so content in this picture. He had his three little girls around him, his lawn was green (is was a rare event) and the sun appeas to be shining. Judging from the ages of us chickettes, my brother Jack was an infant asleep inside the house, my youngest sister was a bun in the oven, and Teddy V wasn't even a glint. Dad's standing in front of our house, the one he got the mortage on through the GI Bill. His house. The only one of the five to ever own their own property. He looks good in his blue suit. He was a mailman...all that walking kept him fit...until the trucks came along. He looks happy, less stressed or tired than I remember him looking in later years. He's smiling at Mom who took the picture. She adored him. So did I. He loved music and history and movies...all my own passions. He died of a heart attack when I was seventeen and truth be told, he broke my heart.

So yeah, every once in a while I get a drink on, get a sniffle, and raise one for the Old Man. He deserves it. Happy Father's Day.

"And I never will forget him. For he made me what I am. And though he is gone, memories linger on...and I miss him, the old man"

Where the Zark-awi???

The whole Zarqawi thing has got the cynical Nu Yawka in me thinking like, "Yeah. How long did they have him on ice before they uncovered him for the press conference." Timing is everything in this world and since I haven't believed a word any government official has said relating to Iraq for, oh, about three years now, I'm not so sure all of this is just one more Rove/Cheney Production. They're saving Bin Ladin for the last week in October just before the elections.

The G is soft...

I'm going to back up Randi Rhodes on her dislike of the word "Lesbian". Prefers "vag-etarian". After I finished wetting my pants from laughing I agreed. From this day forward I will refer to womyn who love wimmin "that way" only as vagetarians. And so it was written. As so it shall be.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Homos, Homos, Homos....nope, sorry, not on my list

If Dubya could read he'd probably respond to the list below by sayin' "Hea hea...not my people care about homos. The war on terror includes homos. They terrifi...terr...scare me. We want happy marriages between men and women. Sanctification of the wedlockian bond. 9/11."

Yeah, well as Salon points out today, the rest of the country feels a little differently about the issues the government should be addressing. I'm still waiting for someone who holds higher office to put all pretense of politics aside and say, on the record, in a microphone, with the cameras running, "This is all bullshit and we know it. Stop assuming all American's are the stupid, redneck fucks you're trying to pander to." The big deflection screen in the sky is at it again, trying to turn the focus from what really matters. If you're going to legislate morality, claim the moral high ground, and throw the Bible into every argument start with this: love thy neighbor as theyself. And let's throw in "Thou shalt not kill" for good measure.

The president, his party and the public's priorities

As the president and Republicans in Congress spend time this week pushing a constitutional amendment on gay marriage that has absolutely no chance of becoming law, perhaps they ought to take just a moment to check out the latest Gallup Poll. Gallup asked 1,003 Americans to say -- without any prompting from the pollsters -- what should be the "top priority for the president and Congress to deal with." Here is the complete tally of responses:

Situation in Iraq/war: 42 percent.

Fuel/oil prices/lack of energy sources/the energy crisis: 29 percent.

Immigration/illegal aliens: 23 percent.

Economy in general: 14 percent.

Poor healthcare/hospitals; high cost of healthcare: 12 percent.

Terrorism: 4 percent.

Education/poor education/access to education: 4 percent.

Federal budget deficit/federal debt: 3 percent.

Unemployment/jobs: 3 percent.

Taxes: 3 percent.

Social Security: 2 percent.

International issues/problems: 2 percent.

National security: 2 percent.

Environment/pollution: 2 percent.

Medicare: 2 percent.

Foreign aid/focus overseas: 2 percent.

Poor leadership/corruption/dissatisfaction with government/ Congress/politicians/candidates: 2 percent.

Poverty/ hunger/ homelessness: 1 percent.

Ethics/moral/religious/family decline; dishonesty; lack of integrity: 1 percent.

Natural disaster relief/funding: 1 percent.

Trade deficit/foreign trade: 1 percent.

High cost of living/inflation: 1 percent.

Unifying the country: Less than .5 percent.

Judicial system/courts/laws: Less than .5 percent.

Abortion: Less than .5 percent

Lack of money: Less than .5 percent.

Gap between rich and poor: Less than .5 percent.

Other: 1 percent.

No opinion: 4 percent.

Still looking for that part where people say "make a futile push for a constitutional amendment to stop homosexuals from getting married"? So are we.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

You Want Rice? Lick My Boot.

Well here's an interesting little piece of gossip. Aside from the growing rumors regarding Der Bonehead's less than sanctified marriage (how ironical), reports of Mrs. Dubya taking up residence in DCs Mayflower Hotel, and tongues wagging (oh yes, pun intended) about the Bushlings growing appetite for Rice (!), apparently there are more secrets still! The ex-dominatrix running for Governor of Nevada (really!) says she "serviced" Bush while he manhandled Oh, that crazy President. Must have been drinking again!

From Wonkette:

We’ve been trying to take the high road around here. Over the past few days, we’ve refrained from writing about rumors of an alleged affair between Dubya and Condi, which supposedly caused Laura Bush to move out of the White House. We’ll willing to believe almost anything around here — but this gossip strikes us as a tad ridiculous.

The Real Satan

What does 6-6-6 really mean?

One contributor to Huffington Post last week got it right: F is the sixth letter of the alphabet, O is the 15th letter (1+5=6) and X is the 24th letter (2+4=6).

Rupert Murdoch is the devil? Yeah, that works for me.

The Devil Made Me Do It


The smartest thing the devil ever did was start a marketing campaign. I think that is the only reason for the remake of “The Omen” that comes out today.

Bible thumpers are going nuts trying to convert the masses who are gleefully penning the date on anything that doesn’t move. How appropriate I thought, when I looked at my calendar last week and realized I’d made my annual OB/GYN appointment for today. There’s nothing like have a car jack rammed up your va-gee-gee on the Devil’s Birthday.