I had to take care of an email today that was received at my 9-5 job where usually we work with big companies to save them money on their telephone bills.
Here is the email, which came in via our sales url on the website:
I am a physician in California and would like to have automated software that enables patients to sign up, pay a monthly fee via credit card, and enable telephone contact to me. For example, a patient will pay me $150/month for direct access to me 24/7. However, I would like the whole system to be patient driven via telephone phone or internet, so there would be no labor issues on my end. If possible I would like to patent this package and market it to other physicians.
You gettin' this? This California boob surgeon (okay, making an assumption but it's my blog) wants to charge his patients an EXTRA $150.00 a month to TALK TO HIM. In his world it's no longer enough to overcharge the insurance company who in turn has to overcharge the patient. No, if you want unfettered access to this physician you have to pay him an extra $150.00 a month. Oh, and as the for the technology end of his "patented package" -- the work all has to be done on the patient side. He doesn't want to do anything. Just collect.
I am tempted to post the not-so-good doc's name all over the place to let his patients know how much he cares about them.
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