Friday, April 21, 2006

Someone Stick Her Head in an Oven While She's Baking Cookies

Anti-feminist, anti-working mother Caitlin Flanagan was on Stephen Colbert last night hawking her new book and she is so pompous and smug that she didn't even understand that he was making fun of her. She's a liar whose only agenda is making women believe that she is somehow better than the rest of them because she picks her kids up from school after she turns off her computer where SHE WORKS writing for The New Yorker. She's a hypocrite of the highest order, preaching mythical Eisenhowerian values to women who don't have the luxury of being able to afford nannies and housekeepers like Flanagan employs. She likes getting "nice wifey" little pats on the head from weak men who find it convenient to blame the women's movement for their own inability deal with the fact that a. They're not gods no matter how much they might like to think so; b. the world does not, nor has it ever, revolved around them; c. they can't marry their mothers because its gross.

I'm embarrassed that this woman has an Irish name. Her ancestors are rolling in their graves. I hope the ghost of Susan B. Anthony comes back and her bites her in the ass.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Have Baby Tomkitten

Good. Now shut the hell up. I don't want to see any of your faces EVER AGAIN!

The Dumbest Smart Sport Ever

Chess boxing? CHESS BOXING? Seriously, this is a real sport. I was listening to NPR this morning and doubled-checked the date on my watch to make sure it wasn't April 1st again. Turns out some Dutch performance artist started this "sport" after reading a comic book. Four minutes of chess followed by two minutes of boxing for eleven rounds until a knock-out or a checkmate, whichever comes first. Apparently the Germans and Eastern Europeans are seriously digging this sport. There is even a World Chess Boxing Organization ( So does this sport appeal to eggheads who want to get their brains bashed in, or bruisers who want to be loved for their brains and not their brawn. Am I being stereotypical? Yeah, probably, but I really don't get this.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Yeah...what she said...wrote...whatever.

Props to Mary in Bonnie Scotland for this one.

Monday, April 17, 2006

I Dig Penguins

Kevin and I watched March of the Penguins this weekend and I have to admit I bawled like a baby. Kevin laughed at me. I thought the film was fascinating...very touching. I tried to view it like a conservative (remember, the religious right tried to lay claim to the film last fall saying it was reflective of their 'family' values) but I couldn't get past my amazement at the evolution of the species. Of course once the Conservative Coalition discovered the film was made by a bunch of Frenchies, that shot their campaign to shit. Because you know can't say anything good about the French if you're a god fearing, patriotic American. But these le'guys did a swell job with the movie.

And in my opinion the penguins were far more interesting (and some of them a helluva lot cuter) than a lot of the so-called superstar actors that get overpaid millions. Give me an Emperor penguin over Tom Cruise any day of the week.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Good one Howie.

DINING WITH DEAN. From Tuesday’s American Prospect breakfast with Howard Dean:

Walter Shapiro: Governor, from where you sit, is the fact that there will be two caucuses between the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary a done deal, or is this still open for negotiation, as to whether there will be caucuses and/or whether New Hampshire will have its traditional unmolested Iowa/New Hampshire role in American history?

Howard Dean: We don’t molest anybody. We leave that to the deputy press secretary of the Homeland Security agency.