Saturday, July 22, 2006

Oy what a mess

Okay, let me get this straight. The entire Middle East is fucking exploding, more countries than ever hate our steamy guts, and the US sends Bondage Condi Rice over there to "broker" peace. She couldn't broker a shack sale in a swamp for $2.00!! We're speeding up delivery of missiles of precision buided bombs to Israel but all the warmongers can talk about is Syria and Iran aiding Hezbollah. Ummm...I'm not part of some braintrust, but where I come from that's called "hypocrisy". You can't "kill" a frozen embryo for research but hey, they's blonde, white Amurican kids, not dark-haired little A-rab carpet weavers whats will grow up and turn into terrorists. I am absolutely convinced, more so than ever before, that Punkinpuss, Mushmouth and all the other cartoon characters running this country are, in fact, the collective anti-Christ. The rest of the world already thinks so.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Colbert and Congress

See it for yourself. Watch Colbert's reactions. They are priceless.
Watched my boy Stevie with Congressman Wexler last night and couldn't get enough of Colbert's reaction after he actually got Wexler to say, "I enjoy cocaine because...its a fun thing to do." on camera. Oh and the follow-up, "I enjoy the company of prostitutes for the following reasons...because it's a fun thing to do." Colbert's look of "I can't freakin' believe I got this guy to say this!!!" is absolutely priceless.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

State Secrets My Ass...

This is what the Northern District of California courts did today to President PunkinPuss and the collusionist corporation AT&T. They shot down the governments motion to dismiss the lawsuit against AT&T brought on behalf of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (on behalf of us all!) which says that the NSA spying gig was a bunch of bullshit and constitutionally illegal. The Bush brigade went to bat saying, "Ooh. Government secrets. Many people will be hurt. 9-11. You're with the terrorists, and all the usual Kentucky Fried Chicken bag of shit." The judge said "bite me", but he put it much more eloquently...

"To defer to a blanket assertion of secrecy here would be to abdiate that duty, particularly because the very subject matter of this litigation has been so publicly aired. The compromise between liberty and security remains a difficult one. But dismissing this case at the outset would sacrifice liberty for no apparent enhancement of security."

Read the rest and rejoice. One for our side. I feel much better now.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Test Tube Bush-shit

It took President Dickhead six years to veto a bill because he thought a veto was the name of Marlon Brando in the Godfather.