Thursday, October 19, 2006

Who's That Knockin' At My Doo-ah?

Well, apparently we'll soon find out...

Judge Orders Release of WH Logs Sought By 'Wash Post'

Published: October 19, 2006 1:25 PM ET

WASHINGTON A federal judge has ordered the Bush administration to release information about who visited Vice President Dick Cheney's office and personal residence, an order that could spark a late election season debate over lobbyists' White House access.

The Washington Post asked for two years of White House visitor logs in June but the Secret Service refused to process the request. Government attorneys called it "a fishing expedition into the most sensitive details of the vice presidency."

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

News From...

Yeah, well this explains everything...

Burns: President Keeping War Plan Quiet

HELENA, Mont. (AP) -- Sen. Conrad Burns says he believes President Bush has a plan to win the war in Iraq but is keeping it quiet, a statement Democrats pounced on Wednesday as reminiscent of comments made during another divisive war.

Burns, at a debate Tuesday night with Democratic challenger Jon Tester, said he believes Bush has a plan to win - but added: "we're not going to tell you what our plan is."

Burns, who has said repeatedly the country must stay in Iraq as long as it takes to win the war, also seemed to suggest a new path may be needed in Iraq. He pointed to fellow Republican Sen. John Warner of Virginia, who has recently called for a new strategy in Iraq.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Red State, Blue State, State, State, State

Great James Wolcott piece in the November Vanity Fair picks apart the Red State mythology and gives us Blue Staters some really fun giggly moments. For instance:

10 states with the highest incarceration rates in 2003
9 - 1 (LA, MS, TX, OK, AL, SC, GA, MO, AZ, DE)

10 states with the highest female incarceration rates in 2003
10 - 0 (MS, OK, LA, TX, MT, ID, AZ, AL, NV, CO)

15 states with the highest rates of death by firearms in 2003
15 - 0 (AK, LA, NM, WY, NV, AL, MS, MT, AZ, AR, SC, TN, WV, GA, KY)

15 states with the highest reates of suicide in 2003
14 - 1 (WY, AK, NV, MT, NM, ID, OR, CO, UT, AX, WV, OK, AR, SD, KY)

15 states with the highest percentage of obesity
14 - 1 (MS, AL, WV, TN, LA, AR, KY, TX, IN, MI, OH, SC, MO, OK, GA)

Here are two of my favorites: (tee hee)

10 states with the highest divorce rates in 2004
10 - 0 (NV, AR, WY, ID, WV, AL, KY, OK, TN, FL)

10 states with the highest illegitimacy rates in 2003
9 - 1 (NM, LA, MS, DE, AZ, SC, FL, NV, GA, AR)

And of course, the one every blue stater knows:

10 "Smartest States" 2004-2005 (based on 21 factors from the reference book Education State Rankings)

2 - 8 (VT, CT, MA, NJ, ME, MN, VA, WI, MT, NY)

Go forth and be smug, my Blue State friends.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Wicked Zoot Gets Her Galahad

My bestest friend tied the knot this weekend.

The new Mrs. Leonard looked beautiful, as usual. It was a stupid busy cry-fest with tears a-pourin' and wine a-swillin'.

So my quarter-century compatriot in all things silly (shopping cart accidents, Russian accents, chubby bunnies, Frank McKay, bagpipers, and the Holy Hand Grenade) is now Sadie Sadie Married Lady.

I am happy. And now I will rest. Posted by Picasa

Queen of Bad Photo Ops

I was named Queen of all things Bridie this weekend. That is me receiving my crown from Liz the Sea Hag Wench. It is a moment I will cherish forever.