Friday, September 01, 2006

Old Funnies

THIS was funny.

Back from Birthday Land

Big laugh of the day so far...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Happy Birthday to Moi

Tomorrow's my birthday. I am old, but still cute. Dig those saddle shoes as I relax ever so comfortably on my Dad's favorite picture spot -- the back stoop. One picture over that is me on Mom's lap circa 1960something. Mom looks exhausted, which frankly is how she looked most of the time growing up...can't blame her. Six kids in about seven years will do that to you. She was probably 10 years younger than I am now when this picture was taken. I just don't know how she did it some times. I've been missing her a lot this week. She wasn't big on the birthday thing -- wasn't the greatest at sending cards or gifts. But she'd be the first one on the phone to you in the morning with a hearty Happy Birthday! And she made me lots of birthday dinners, which I always appreciated.

And looking at this picture I can see where I got my retro sensabilities -- judging from the wallpaper it had to have been imprinted on my brain from a very young age!

I will celebrate most heartily tomorrow by putting politics out of my head briefly. Since I'm hanging out with my oldest friend, who happens to be a Republican, it won't be easy. But we made a pact years ago not to discuss politics or religion. And we've been best buds for 25 years so I'm stickin' to it!

What I'm Listening Too...

Sunday, August 27, 2006

War Hits Home

Day after day the numbers add up and you become immune to them somehow. Faceless kids in a faraway place.

The smiling kid on the left is Cpl. Jordan Pierson 1st Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division. 21 years old. UConn student. Milford resident. Dead from wounds received while on patrol in Fallujah.

I didn't know him. I don't know his family. But there's a good chance I know others connected to him. And that connects me somehow. The grief and devastation within his family must be unbearable. It must be that way for every one of the families of the 2,622 soliders who no longer walk this earth because of this nightmare. This boy -- this baby -- from the town I love -- is dead before he ever had a chance to live.

Full story