The Passion of the Mel

You know this whole Mel Gibson thing really saddens me because, as many of my friends know, I discovered him. Yes, yes I did. I discovered him in 1980 when I was working for a small cable television magazine and I came across a review of the movie "Tim" which happened to be one of my favorite Colleen McCullough books and I saw his face and went. "Humminuh-humminuh-humminuh". I special ordered the movie (you couldn't get it anywhere) and showed it to all my friends. Then I saw "Mad Max" (even though the American version that they showed on cable had the Australian dubbed into American if you can believe it! Anyway, then came "Gallipoli" and I actually saw it in the theatre with my brother G who was still in high school I think at the time. It was devastating. "The Road Warrior" came out and the rest of the world started to pay attention. By the time he made "Year of Living Dangerously," the pinnacle of his handsomeness in my opinion (Tequila Sunrise being a close second) well, the rest is history.
So I discovered him. And I thought he was very funny. But now he's just kind of sad itsn't he. I hope he kicks the bottle and that whole Jew-hating thing. Very unattractive in a man wouldn't you say.
Here's a link to the decline of Mel
Oh, and btw, I also discovered Gabriel Byrne, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, and Clive Owen. I did. You can ask them.