Friday, August 04, 2006

The Passion of the Mel

You know this whole Mel Gibson thing really saddens me because, as many of my friends know, I discovered him. Yes, yes I did. I discovered him in 1980 when I was working for a small cable television magazine and I came across a review of the movie "Tim" which happened to be one of my favorite Colleen McCullough books and I saw his face and went. "Humminuh-humminuh-humminuh". I special ordered the movie (you couldn't get it anywhere) and showed it to all my friends. Then I saw "Mad Max" (even though the American version that they showed on cable had the Australian dubbed into American if you can believe it! Anyway, then came "Gallipoli" and I actually saw it in the theatre with my brother G who was still in high school I think at the time. It was devastating. "The Road Warrior" came out and the rest of the world started to pay attention. By the time he made "Year of Living Dangerously," the pinnacle of his handsomeness in my opinion (Tequila Sunrise being a close second) well, the rest is history.

So I discovered him. And I thought he was very funny. But now he's just kind of sad itsn't he. I hope he kicks the bottle and that whole Jew-hating thing. Very unattractive in a man wouldn't you say.

Here's a link to the decline of Mel

Oh, and btw, I also discovered Gabriel Byrne, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, and Clive Owen. I did. You can ask them.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

A Little Caution Please....

The good news is that Ned is now leading Holy Joe in the polls by 13 points. Joe's even responding to the bad numbers with a little GOP two step... saying things like, "Well, yeah I supported the war but I always had my doubts about the way it was being handled. I just never said anything but I wrote it all down in my diary and I'll show you if you want". Okay, I added that last bit. But seriously, that's what he's saying.

Why then do I have a pit in my stomach the size of (appropriately enough) Florida when I think about the November elections and the Dems chances for taking both houses? Do we really think that the GOP is just going to "let" this happen. That this crowd is truly going to let the "will of the people" decide who is going to chart the course of the nation? Bush & Co. are clearly not the type of boys who play nicey-nicey in the sandbox. It's documented that they're pretty good at stealing elections. We know that. So I'm sorry folks, but a little really well place caution is called for right about now. One Pissed Off Liberal backs me up on some of this and while I don't agree with all of OPOL's views, I gotta say that this is no time to start popping champagne corks.

Bush & Co. have already shown a disgracefully arrogant disregard for the Constitution, the Geneva Convention, etc. Do you really think they'd stop at circumventing term limits? You think the Big Dick and his playmates are just going to allow a bunch of Dems to sweep into office and start taking apart their playscape? I have my doubts...and they scare the crap out of me.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Runnin' on Empty

The power's out here in 06477-land. Office is dark. Running on battery power. Seems like as good a time as ever to go shopping.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Yeah, its Hot

Eugene Morris Jerome said it best,
"Man it's hot. Never got this hot in Brooklyn. This is like Africa hot. Tarzan couldn't take this kinda hot"

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sucking Liberty Dry

Bush & Co. aren't even trying to hide the fact that they're facists bent on world domination. The only democracy they care about is their own vision of it -- which generally means rich white guys getting richer while the rest of us pay the bill and "ferriners" die in wars that the US is funding and trying to escalate. Forget the fact that the bloodsuckers in DC are trying to get Israel to invade Syria now. Let's stick closer to home and examine the new legislation that King George II is trying to put through before his GOP cronies get kicked out on their asses.

They're call it a "terror detainee bill" but the ambiguity of what constitutes "terror" is what is at issue here. Because ladies and gents, according to this one, it might as well be you or me.

WASHINGTON - U.S. citizens suspected of terror ties might be detained indefinitely and barred from access to civilian courts under legislation proposed by the Bush administration, say legal experts reviewing an early version of the bill...

According to the draft, the military would be allowed to detain all "enemy combatants" until hostilities cease. The bill defines enemy combatants as anyone "engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners who has committed an act that violates the law of war and this statute."

Legal experts said Friday that such language is dangerously broad and could authorize the military to detain indefinitely U.S. citizens who had only tenuous ties to terror networks like al Qaeda.

Read the rest

The Bad Lebowski

Cosmic Bowl, the all-American Friday night "we got a babysitter lets go do something cheap" sport. That's me and Kevin on the left. Mr. G. and Corona on the right. Kevin won two out of three (he made me write that). I was the proud loser of all three games. My scores? 69, 93, and a glorious 72. I rule the Brunswick lanes. The beer was $7.65 a pitcher. Wierd price for crappy Bud Lite but hey, it's a bowling alley. I was definitely and under-Achiever. My apologies to The Dude. Posted by Picasa