Amish Swimwear

This ain't your great grandma's bathing costume...
My morning dose of Daily Candy -- the oh so fashion forward news of the day -- left a poop in my inbox.
"Wholesomewear, a line a swimwear for the modest beachgoer."
Yippee I thought, maybe something has finally emerged for the rest of us for a change...
Uhhhhh... well, I'm not quite ready to dress like an Amish hausfrau at the beach if there were beaches anywhere near the landlocked Amish hausfraus. Yikes!
If I walked down the beach wearing one of these throwbacks to the turn of the LAST century I'd have a line of little Mormon kids waddling after me like ducks.
And lets face it...isn't that who these garments are intended for?? The fundamentalist right wing "drag your daughters back to the stoneage" set? Somehow I don't think the ultra conservative mom who homeschools her 19 kids in between prayer meetings is subscribing to email post that focuses on hip fashion in trendy hotspots of the world.
Or is Lancaster PA the next Milan???