State Secrets My Ass...

This is what the Northern District of California courts did today to President PunkinPuss and the collusionist corporation AT&T. They shot down the governments motion to dismiss the lawsuit against AT&T brought on behalf of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (on behalf of us all!) which says that the NSA spying gig was a bunch of bullshit and constitutionally illegal. The Bush brigade went to bat saying, "Ooh. Government secrets. Many people will be hurt. 9-11. You're with the terrorists, and all the usual Kentucky Fried Chicken bag of shit." The judge said "bite me", but he put it much more eloquently...
"To defer to a blanket assertion of secrecy here would be to abdiate that duty, particularly because the very subject matter of this litigation has been so publicly aired. The compromise between liberty and security remains a difficult one. But dismissing this case at the outset would sacrifice liberty for no apparent enhancement of security."
Read the rest and rejoice. One for our side. I feel much better now.
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