Next Blog to Wherever this Guy Ain't

So what's with the "Next Blog" tag in the upper right of Blogger sites bringing you to like, nowhere? I like to troll every once in a while but all I get are a bunch of crazy Brazilian soccer fan sites, some really bad poetry sites, Farsi heiroglyphics, Taiwanese school girls, and stupid conversatives from Oregon who post big pictures of their kids with every detail a pedophile needs to get him some action. This picture is from one of the sites I visited tonight. What the heck is it? Yes, I know its a record album cover but Yikes! What is with all that hair Odair? And check out the teeth on the dude in the back. Obviously that was before their musical careers really took off and they could afford the finer things in life (like braces).
So this is, I guess, my inaugural Ode to the Oddblogs. I'll post 'em as I see them and try to include links (which this time I forgot).
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