I Dig Penguins

Kevin and I watched March of the Penguins this weekend and I have to admit I bawled like a baby. Kevin laughed at me. I thought the film was fascinating...very touching. I tried to view it like a conservative (remember, the religious right tried to lay claim to the film last fall saying it was reflective of their 'family' values) but I couldn't get past my amazement at the evolution of the species. Of course once the Conservative Coalition discovered the film was made by a bunch of Frenchies, that shot their campaign to shit. Because you know can't say anything good about the French if you're a god fearing, patriotic American. But these le'guys did a swell job with the movie.
And in my opinion the penguins were far more interesting (and some of them a helluva lot cuter) than a lot of the so-called superstar actors that get overpaid millions. Give me an Emperor penguin over Tom Cruise any day of the week.
I think the neocons would argue at your amazement over the evolution of the species as well. Jerks.
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