Encouraging early news out of Pennsylvania today. The lastest poll numbers are in and it seems that the sactimonious Senator Rick Santorum, is 11 points behind his Democratic challenger Bob Casey. The party line split is pretty standard -- 70 percent of Republican's favor Mini Bush; 77 percent of Dems favor Casey. The big news is the independents -- where the race will be won-- a third of the Pensylvania vote. They favor Casey 53 percent to 28. I guess the Indy's aren't too pleased with Santorum's little Terri Shaivo stunt, his "interesting" mortgage arrangements, his flirtation with intelligent design, his K-Street Project to bully lobby organizations into hiring republicans, his wholehearted backing of El Presidente's bid to "save" social security, his refusal to question anything regarding Iraq, his laughable take on ethics, his anti-gay comments, his anti-birth control stance, his attempts to further impoverish the working class by sponsoring a bill that undercut overtime--not to mention his oppressive holier-than-though attitude and his laughable Richie Cunningham haircut.
Come November, Saint Rick is gonna be wishing he saved one of those lobbyist jobs for himself.
I'd love to see Santorum gone, and I think it might finally happen.
I'm in OH, and our Republican machine is gearing up for the May primary - funny thing is, no one's too stoked about any Repub. candidate, nor are they enamored with any of the Dems. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for a housecleaning, both state and national.
you know the dem running against Santorum is pro-life. I don't know exactly how he feels about Roe v wade still better than man-on-dog Ricky.
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