Chess boxing? CHESS BOXING? Seriously, this is a real sport. I was listening to NPR this morning and doubled-checked the date on my watch to make sure it wasn't April 1st again. Turns out some Dutch performance artist started this "sport" after reading a comic book. Four minutes of chess followed by two minutes of boxing for eleven rounds until a knock-out or a checkmate, whichever comes first. Apparently the Germans and Eastern Europeans are seriously digging this sport. There is even a World Chess Boxing Organization (
www.wcbo.org.) So does this sport appeal to eggheads who want to get their brains bashed in, or bruisers who want to be loved for their brains and not their brawn. Am I being stereotypical? Yeah, probably, but
I really don't get this.
Well, all new ideas get some criticism. Of course, this isn't a new idea, it's two old ideas mixed in a weird way. As long as they don't take this sport too seriuosly, I don't have a problem with it.
down goes Fisher! Down goes Fisher! Down goes Fisher! Hey I'm glad ben b. doesn't have a problem with it. now we can all relax.
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