Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Making it Count

Yep. Did my civic duty and pressed that levor with all the fervor I could muster. Voted for a guy who's initial is "L" and doesn't rhyme with "Eberman". Gotta say I'm a tad nervous about things today. The whole world is watching and viewing this vote as a referendum. The ever-eloquent Ted Velvet put it quite nicely, even with all the dirty words that will send him to hell:
I want to believe that the people in my state are too smart for this, that we'll be the first people in the nation to say enough is enough. I want to believe that the ideas of freedom and voting your conscience and true democracy still have a place in our society. Basically, I'm hoping that there are more smart, brave people who value freedom over safety than complete pussy assed cowards who would rather sit with their fucking cats in a police state than live a real life with risks and fears and uncertanties. I want my State to tell these fucking Republican neo-con/nazi fucks in Washington that we're not afraid, that they don't control us and that they're plan to rule through fear has failed.
Read the rest and keep your fingers crossed!


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