Thursday, August 10, 2006

10 Reasons Not to Vote for Joe -- AGAIN!

  1. He supported federal intervention in the Terry Schaivo case
  2. He refused to back the Congressional investigation into leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame's name.
  3. He okayed “Brownie” as head of FEMA.
  4. He voted against the Democratic led amendment authorizing a timetable for an Iraq withdrawal.
  5. He has been hailed by RNC chairman Ken Mehlman as “a different kind of Democrat”. Yes, a Republican one.
  6. Three words: Alito, Roberts, Gonzalez
  7. Facist hatemonger Ann Coulter endorses him. Run away…..
  8. He voted to remove federal money from public schools that counsel suicidal homosexual teens that it's OK to be gay.
  9. He supported the outsourcing of American port security to a foreign company.
  10. He rabidly support Bush's “leadership” in dismantling the constitutional barrier between church and state.

Oh yeah, and he's a crybaby sore loser who can't take it like a man!



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