10 Reasons Not to Vote for Joe -- AGAIN!

- He supported federal intervention in the Terry Schaivo case
- He refused to back the Congressional investigation into leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame's name.
- He okayed “Brownie” as head of FEMA.
- He voted against the Democratic led amendment authorizing a timetable for an Iraq withdrawal.
- He has been hailed by RNC chairman Ken Mehlman as “a different kind of Democrat”. Yes, a Republican one.
- Three words: Alito, Roberts, Gonzalez
- Facist hatemonger Ann Coulter endorses him. Run away…..
- He voted to remove federal money from public schools that counsel suicidal homosexual teens that it's OK to be gay.
- He supported the outsourcing of American port security to a foreign company.
- He rabidly support Bush's “leadership” in dismantling the constitutional barrier between church and state.
Oh yeah, and he's a crybaby sore loser who can't take it like a man!
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