Friday, August 11, 2006

Convenient Terror

Oh big surprise here. Turns out Bush & Co. knew that the latest terror plot was going to uncovered LAST WEEK. So what did they do? They held onto the info until it could be used for political gain. What gain? They waitied until after Tuesday's primaries to say, "See...we told you. If you throw guys like Joe Lieberman out of office we'll all blow up and the extremists will win." Since the Dems haven't exactly been great at countering this kind of news--I don't hear anyone other than the liberal talk show hosts screaming about it-- then its up to us. Spread the timeline around...

Wednesday: Days after the White House learns that the London terror plot will be uncovered, Cheney says Lamont victory will encourage "al Qaeda types."

7:42 a.m., Today: The White House announces that the threat level has been raised to ‘Red.’


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