Harmonizing with the Hippies

Moxie took a wee break this weekend and travelled up New York way to sing a little treason with CSNY at their Saratoga "Freedom of Speech" show. It rained... and Crosby, Still, Nash & Young all showed up -- which is about as close as it got to Woodstock in the aesthetic sense. Politically speaking, however, these four old boys can still raise a ruckus with the best of them. And sitting amongst some 20,000 or so liberals of every age felt SOOOO good. The GOP thinks they have the pulse on the American people? They should show up at a CSNY show about the time they roll the words to "Lets Impeach the President" and the place goes nutz! There were sound issues for those of us on the lawn, which totally sucked because we couldn't hear Graham singing "Our House". But David Crosby still sounds great, which is probably because he's had every organ in his body replaced at one time or another. Stephen Stills is sounding a bit whiskey voiced these days, but still likes to jam. But Neil Young totally rocked the sold out crowd at the SPAC.
There were a surprising number of young kids there. I mean young. Figure I was about 6 when Woodstock took place. A lot of these kids weren't even born until 20 years later. But they were into the music. Still I couldn't help but look up at the screen (watching a concert on a screen--why do we even bother?) and feel kind of sad. These four guys were singing songs of protest and peace forty years ago. And things are worse today. How do you not feel sad about that?
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