Listening to Dubya introduce Tony Snow ("Baloney McSnowjob" I believe is his official name on RadioLeft) as his new press secretary yesterday I was struck by how listless he sounded. He sounded kinda down. Kinda sad. Kinda defeated. Kinda like his father did on that hilarious campaign trainride during his ill fated run against Clinton in 1990. I thought, "Hmmm, maybe Georgie is starting to realize how fruitless this all is." I mean if the best he could do was a second rate hack from Fox, that's a pretty strong indication that the the GOP has fallen on hard times. And then I thought, "The collective is disintegrating. That's why he was so quiet. The voices aren't talking in his head (or his earpiece) anymore." Like when they severed Seven of Nine from the Borg. Nobody was talking anymore and he had to do it all by himself (hence the six year old book report introduction). Rove was off getting grilled by The Fightin' Fitz; Condi and Rummy were digging Baghdad sand out of their eyes; Cheney was...well...who the hell knows. At target practice or something.
Or maybe its more like he's a Cylon after they blew up the Resurrection ship on Battlestar Galactica. Dreams of immortality? All gone. No soup for you. Bush is going down in history as the Titanic of presidents. So he's sad. He's gonna go home to Texas and play with his oil money.
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