Sunday, May 21, 2006

Overheard in CT

It was a Porkfest and Bingomania weekend and that was only Saturday. Discussing the current political state with Teddy Velvet and Cousin Uncle Kyle over some delish ribs and remembered an incident that happened a week or so ago. I was in one of those paint-your-own pottery places with a glass of wine exercising some creative freedom on a coffee mug and was listening on the very loud conversation taking place at the next table (couldn't exactly help it.) A 30-something typical blonde, bobbed Shoreline Stepford wife was talking about the dilemmas in her child's school regarding one of the school assistants (named Lupe or Maria or... you get where I'm going) and her questionable legal status with the US. That led into a discussion of some other member of the table's circle who is running for local office on the GOP ticket. One of the other ladies at the table turned to Stepford Mom and said, "So you're a Republican?" Stepford Mom's voice lower...quieter. "Well yes," she said very tentatively. "I am. But I'm not one of those crazy ones." At that moment, my heart did a happy dance. Because in her mind today Republican = Lunatic Fringe.

I'm off to see Koz and Ned Lamont for cocktails this afternoon. Will hopefully post some pictures later.


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