I could have used Nick Burns this weekend. My five year old piece o' crap Dell Inspiron 8100 went to black this Sunday for no reason. Black as a ... blackboard (!) So because I don't have an annoying computer guy handy (one would think because I live with an IT guy that I would have my bases covered, but apparantly that is not the case.) Anyway, I had to hunt down some annoying computer geeks at PCW who are charging me $170 to change a light bulb. They say its a backlight for the screen but that to me is a lightbulb. As Kevin pointed out, I've left my laptop on practically every moment for the last four years and that MIGHT be a contributing factor to the black void in which I found myself. It might be true, but I don't have to like it. So tomorrow I should have my laptop back and be once again in the thows of rabid blogdom (not pilfering time from the company man like I am now.) Remind me to share my views on Condaleeza Rice and the Bush Administration's asinine playground response to the letter from the Iranian premiere. Schmucks.
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