Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

I am laughing so hard right now I can't see straight. I'm so happy. Porter Goss quits and it has nothing to do with Hookergate? Come on! Of course it does. And on top of that, a new AP-Ipsos poll that says 45 percent of conservatives disapprove of their man Dubya, and that 65 percent of them disapprove of congress! Yar-de-har. So what are those same conservatives going to think when Hookergate hits the mainstream press. Let's face it, the broadening Duke Cunningham scandal is hot in the blogosphere but hasn't exactly hit Ma n' Pa Kettle yet. What are all the "I trust the president because he's a Christian" types going to think now of their fearless leader and his merry men?
Oh, this is getting really fun, and Abramoff hasn't even named names yet!
Well gee thanks Donkeyman.
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