Fired Up and Rarin' to Go!

Full house in the backroom at the Playwright at the "Crashing the Gate" gig yesterday. They sold out of copies of the book which Markos and Jerome were signing. Ned Lamont came in and seemed quite awed by the raucus response to his entrance. I found that rather charming. He spoke pretty passionately about the three people that prompted him into this race: the Hero -- John Murtha -- for finally standing up and saying "This war is bullshit (my words, not Neds.); the Victim -- Terri Schaivo -- who became the sad poster girl for poltical intrusion into personal business; and the Villain, Rep. Don Young, he of the infamous Alaskan Bridge to Know Where. For a boy with a silver spoon Ned seems authentically dedicated to the idea of public service for the greater good.
Markos and Jerome spoke about the book and gave props to all the local bloggers for fighting the good fight. They really got the crowd going when they shared that on their endless book tour, in every single state they've visited, from Oregan to Alabama, someone has asked them about THIS race. Pressing home the importance of getting the word out for the August 6th primary, and getting the Dems into the voting booths was heard loud and clear by all.
All and all a good event and a chance to get some good swag (see picture). Unfortunately this is the only shot that came out. Next time I'll put new batteries in the camera.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
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