I'm sick and bitchy. So bite me.
This caught my eye today in Stephen Lendman's piece for OpEd News on "The End of the Bush Dynasty" -- a tasty bit of history that chronicles the Bush family penchant for lying. In detailing Prescott Bush's associations with Union Banking and Brown Brothers Harriman and their associations with the Nazi's, Lendman sidebars into this interesting little snippet:
Particularly heinous was the role of IBM Headquarters System Engineering, Design Automation and Management (not covered in the Highman book) when it was run by Thomas Watson. The company used IBM tabulation equipment to set up a system for the Nazis to locate all the Jews of Europe and then sort, file and categorize them for extermination in the death camps using the company's equipment and whose camp personnel IBM employees trained. All the while this went on, IBM managed to fend off US War Department probes into its illicit activities so it could continue to profit handsomely from the Nazi genocide the company knew was taking place and was facilitating - all for the big "blood money" profits involved. Current shareholders of the company's stock might wish to take note of this and reconsider their investment choice.Gee whiz, I can't find any reference at all to this on Big Blue's website. Hmm. Must do some more reading on this...
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