Bush Can't Spell Geneva, So Let's Get Rid of It

How does this not infuriate everyone in this country? Bush and his chickenshit cabinet and Supreme Court In-Justices like Gonzalez are the ones that should be subjected to a little electrode on the gonads just to see how they like it. How quick would they be to invoke the Geneva Conventions then???
When did we become the bad guys people? When I was a kid the nuns would scare us by calling Russian's "souless communists" who would torture and kill you just for believing in God. (Seriously...that Sister Amata was one tough cookie.) There were still air raid drills where we had to line up in the hallways and lean on each other's backs in case of nuclear fallout! These were the boogiemen. These were the bad guys.
Now we've got a President -- a United States President!!! -- calling for the legal use of torture. You've got four strong GOP names (McCain, Warner, Graham & Powell) saying, "What the fuck??" But you've also got rabid dogs like Peter King saying, "I just think John McCain is wrong on this. If we capture bin Laden tomorrow and we have to hold his head under water to find out when the next attack is going to happen, we ought to be able to do it.”
How bout sticking King's head in a bucket of water and keeping it there until he sees the light.
To quote Sidney Blumenthal, "this congress has abdicated its constitutional obligation to assert its institutional authority." That authority included keeping the President within the confines o his job description. They have all failed miserably and the world is paying for it.
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