On the Avenue

I pretty sure I managed to make it to 15 straight parades beginning somewhere around 1983. I can't remember exactly. I can't remember the bars but do know I spent a few in Fitzpatrick's (now gone) and the Kinsale Tavern (now horribly sportsbarred...ick). I think I wound up in a Mexican restaurant on the Westside one year with my friend Anna from Dublin.
I can't handle the booze anymore, I can't handle the crowds anymore, I can't handle the pseudo-Irish crap like green beer, crappy music, and nasty "Fuck Me I'm Irish t-shirts" on nasty little bastards from Massapequa anymore. I can't handle waiting on line for three hours for a bathroom, and I can't handle the drunk train home anymore.
But I still get antsy and want to go just a little nuts every March 17th.

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